These are some of our favorite game making kits currently on big discounts as part of the Unity Spring sale. Check em out!

Ultimate Car Game Kit [-50 %]

A comprehensive car game engine that provides a perfect foundation for various car game styles; racing, GTA1 style RPG, rally, and much more. Easy to create tracks, cars tuning, and a very fun drifting system, full mobile support too. Great one for the tool box.

Space Combat Kit [-50 %]

The Space Combat Kit enables you to quickly create anything from a simple arcade space shooter to a sophisticated space sim! Full customizable controls, Control fighters, capital ships and all kinds of spaceships, plenty of different weapon types and options. Really nice.

Turn Based Strategy Framework [-50 %]

Ultimate Grids Engine [-50 %]

The Ultimate Grids Engine is your ultimate solution for creating a grid-based game in Unity.
It allows you to create and populate all kinds of regular and semi-regular grids, including rectangular, hexagonal and isometric grids quickly and effortless.

Voxel Play [-50 %]

Voxel Play is a procedural, fast environment based on cubes plus a collection of tools to speed up your game development. It leverages highly optimized code, including geometry shaders, GPU instancing, compute buffers and texture arrays, to generate beautiful, rich, vast infinite worlds which can be customized and extended in many ways.